100 Film

100 Film
100 Film (No Photo)

Film TypeCartridge Instant
Film Weight98.00 g (3.46 oz.)

100 Film Cameras

Polaroid Land Camera 104
Polaroid Land Camera 104
Polaroid Land Camera 320
Polaroid Land Camera 320
Polaroid Land Camera 420
Polaroid Land Camera 420
Polaroid Land Camera Colorpack IV
Polaroid Land Camera Colorpack IV

Camera History Project

Camera History Project

This website is the culmination of years of antiquing. My wife and I enjoyed travelling around the United States, stopping at various antique shops and finding different cameras. Since 2012, we have collected hundreds of cameras, and there are some that we have, but that have not made it online yet. When the real world slows down, we plan to resume our hobby! Feel free to check out our online collection, and using the comment system, let us know which you've had and which is your favorite!

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